I’m looking at my ClutterClarity notebook (notes I took during our sessions) and the Graphic Lessons. Wow, what GEMS from 2014 and 2017. I’m still using this learning today (2022) - they’re deeply embodied in me now! THANK YOU again for being beautiful you, and sharing/teaching from your life, experience & knowledge. Happy New Year to you, dear Laura!
Lisa Abend, MA Multiple family transitions
Wishing you a very wonderful & special year, Laura. I’m enthused about what's next… My days are much more enjoyable thanks to your encouraging, enlightening, decluttering and downsizing support groups & personal coaching. So very grateful...💙💚💜 🌲🌻🎶🎵🎶
Sandra Yanoff, Florida Downsizing and getting ready to move
I will forever celebrate the day I discovered ClutterClarity. Your Support Group changed my relationship with clutter forever! Once toxic, now doable, empowered to take action with focused energy. Thank you for teaching so many effective strategies and clarifying the complex relationship many have with our stuff!
Maggie Bien, Maryland Downsizing home
The best present I have ever given myself is participating in Laura's virtual groups and individual coaching. Surprising discoveries and rewards keep happening when I keep showing up to do what I need to do. I feel more alive and enjoying life more than I have in years. You’re worth every penny and more. Thank you, Laura!
Mary Short, Tampa, FL Downsizing and moving
You don't know this, Laura, but you gave me such a truly wonderful birthday present (12/29/21) through your inspirational coaching and encouragement. I finished Sam's office yesterday just as we discussed!! Such a great relief. Looking forward to starting our work again in a few months.🥰🥰
Jessica Carlin, Lexington, KY Decluttering after husband’s death
Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant!
Rich and Betsy Levinson, Concord, MA Organizing office, papers and book collection
Irreversible progress! Laura's clear process and manner (firm, flexible, and friendly) helped me avoid the emotional traps of clearing clutter. She also deftly rearranged my space for greater function. In fact, I believe there is a direct link between clearing my clutter and shortly thereafter, starting my second book. Laura seems truly dedicated. I never would have done it alone.
Brian Perez, Arlington, MA Office decluttering, organizing, redesigning
I contacted ClutterClarity after my attorney recommended her at the closing, right before New Year’s weekend, overwhelmed with only one week before I had to go back to work. Like magic, in just 32 “woman” hours, Laura’s team transformed our nearly 5000 square foot house full of boxes into an organized, comfortable home. With such good humor, skill and efficiency, I was actually enjoying myself, excited with our unimagined progress. Even my young daughter worked with two organizers to set up her room (without me!). Unpacking, organizing, shopping, and more… the logistics were one thing, but Laura’s generosity and calm spirit were simply God sent. I feel so great, and grateful.
Judy Galofre-Lewis, Lexington, MA Complete unpack and set up new home
You're a miracle, Laura. Simply a miracle.
Sharon Sanders, Acton, MA 50-hour work week, lives alone
Laura first worked with my wife who doesn't have as much of a clutter problem as me. After seeing the progress they made in the kitchen, basement and pantry — and experiencing how much better things looked and felt, I decided to give Laura a shot. I was really nervous. For decades, I have held on to stuff, collected stuff, and buried myself in stuff. The timing was good, though, since we were embarking on a pretty major renovation to the house.
I didn't run into the same old problems that come up when I tried to do it on my own. Laura showed me how to decide what to do, and I was actually moving right along. It was really hard at first, and then gradually got easier. I didn't always want to do our sessions because I was busy or avoiding it, but once we got started, we actually had fun.
Importantly, she helped me realize how much my clutter was affecting my wife. With Laura's help, we were able to talk things out. I was really happy with myself. My office has so much more space in it. It still gets messy, but I am not drowning. Very simply, I refer to Laura as the "good witch." She magically got me to deal with my clutter in ways that no one else could — ever.
Rob Goldstein, Belmont, MA Decluttering, organizing prior to renovation
I awoke today for the first time in many months feeling light and able to face the day. THANK YOU for your support and guidance. I can't believe I felt so different after only ONE session.
Kay Reed, Arlington, MA Self-employed, married mother of two
Thank you so very much for clearing clutter from my workshop. It allows me to breathe and was seemingly effortless under your guidance. You really do have a gift, many gifts really, for seeing the world very clearly. Come back soon.
Beth Wiley, Wellfleet, MA Downsizing and moving
I was embarrassed about my home, but Laura graciously and steadily helped me make decisions about all the stuff piled up. We rearranged four closets, too, and I have my guest room back. So much better! What I dreaded was much easier with Laura. I was even inspired to tackle my daughter's room on my own. Tons of stuff was donated. Laura's clarity and kindness made all the difference. She's terrific!
Lisa King, Jamaica Plain, MA Decluttering, organizing - Works full time, married, 1 child
With Laura's help, I have more inviting space to work and live in. The garage took less time to declutter than I thought. It is more than just removing clutter. It is a mind alteration about physical things. I actually started thinking about my stuff differently, which made things easier. I got done what I had been putting off for a long time, and saved time with Laura's help. Laura taught me how to make decisions about what to keep, throw or donate — quickly and painlessly.
Charles Dubois, Peabody, MA Professional, working long hours
My home is clean and orderly, yet certain areas just annoyed me. They were full of too much stuff that I no longer liked or needed. My son (who doesn't live at home) was nagging me and throwing stuff out without my permission. I didn't know where to begin and it all seemed daunting. I called Laura — she showed me what to do, and gave me perspective on my clutter situation, which made everything easier. It wasn't as bad as I thought.
In a short amount of time, rooms and closets were cleared, stuff donated or trashed, and spaces rearranged in a way that just made sense. I felt better right away, and people are not intruding into my space as much. Clearing my clutter is helping me prepare for the future, even though I am not sure what's next. Laura really knows how to make everything much more pleasant along the way. After working with Laura, I always feel better.
Carol Piccardy, Concord, MA Decluttering after loss of loved one
Laura understands human motivation and behavior. She knew when to push and when to pull, when to assert and when to back off. She guided me without any drama or trauma. Laura's approach to decluttering and simplifying life is very effective. I am delighted by our work together.
I cleared up a lot of clutter and a lot of what's underneath. I learned new ways to approach it all and can now let go of stuff more easily. Her coaching, humor, and emphasis on enjoying the process really helped. I realize it really isn't about getting organized; it's about my peace of mind.
When my friends ask about cost, I jokingly, but emphatically say, "Compared to what? It is way less expensive than therapy or a divorce!" My house is more comfortable, beautiful, and I feel great. With Laura, clearing clutter is quick and easier than you would believe. She's worth every penny.
Patty W., Winchester, MA Decluttering organizing home office, busy volunteer, travels
When I started working with Laura, you couldn't walk though several rooms in my home because everything was spilling out of closets and onto the floors. I was frustrated, overwhelmed and depressed; my husband was angry, my daughter clueless. There were lots of arguments. It was an unhappy household.
Hiring Laura was the best thing I've done for myself and family. We felt immediate relief after the very first session. Laura assessed the situation calmly (without judgment), helped set priorities and strategy, and got to work with me at her side. She saw the causes and challenges, and with warmth, humor and genuine caring, she developed solutions with me that best fit my family's lifestyle. Her insightful coaching helps me stay on track and make changes on lots of levels. Laura's problem-solving approach is fantastic.
She gently guided me through the process of letting go. I learned what clutter is and is not, and I can make good decisions on my own now. She helped me create structure to my week, manage my time and papers, and set up a system to regularly communicate with my husband about the house.
Her influence is felt everywhere — from cutting my daughter's long hair to getting the basement mold-free, to teaching us the difference between "cleaning house" and "taking care of our home," to our re-arranged rooms that are so much more practical and comfortable now. She even helped us save money by finding beautiful new office furniture, rugs, etc. at deep discounts.
My husband said Laura's worth the money not just because things are so much better, but because we didn't fight when we cleared out the garage together. She coached us on how to share household responsibilities more equitably, so we are working as a team again!
I am discovering that the much dreaded "routine" of household tasks is actually liberating. I'm able to care for myself, my family and my home with much less stress. It is even fun! My house is now an enjoyable, welcoming place to be! We have more work ahead of us to get clutter-clear, yet I have learned so much — and that I get to keep forever.
ClutterClarity has indeed brought calm, clarity and peace to our home!
Mary T., Acton, MA Stay-at-home mother of one, transitioning to work
You are the BEST! A FANTASTIC job, my friend! The living room looks so much larger rearranged. I’m very relieved they agreed to hire you! Your personality, “being there” with your sleeves rolled up, and your ability to listen to her vent helped her tremendously. She’s more relaxed than I’ve ever seen her. I know she is very pleased. I cannot say enough about how much you helped prepare this property for sale! THANK YOU!
Tamela Roche, Coldwell Banker Realtor, 2006 President, Cambridge Community of Realtors
Deciding to work with Laura was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Frustrated and overwhelmed, I called her to help me organize my home, but got so much more. The real reward is my comfort and new-found confidence. I now know what to do before I get overwhelmed — and do!
Laura brought many skills: gentle guidance, genuine concern, an hourglass of compassion, and a laser-like perception and ability to communicate. She had an amazing ability to understand my thinking and teach me not only what to do, but how to approach it all so clearing clutter and staying organized is possible.
Laura's presence and influence remains with me. She is a gifted practitioner who helped bring a miracle out of me. Everything on the ClutterClarity website is true. If I can do it....so can you!
Jennifer P., Hudson, MA decluttering/organizing papers, office, home
Laura's intelligence, fun personality, and skills made it easy to have her as my guide. Working gently and quickly, she helped make good decisions for myself. I love how my office and closets look and feel now. Three months later it still looks great. Laura is really masterful and makes a very real difference.
Peggy Lestari, Elder Law Attorney
I really appreciate Laura's ease through what is normally an anxiety-ridden process for me. I was actually calm inside while we went through all my stacks of papers. Didn't expect that! Her sense of humor brings lightness to the mess, countering my shame and lifelong struggle to "get organized." Her presence and approach conveys a new sense of possibility.
I'm not rushing as much. Thinking differently about taking care of my home, time, and energy infuses my effort with pleasure rather than heavy obligation. Even paying bills takes on a reverence, sense of competence, pleasure and flow.
Jessica Satori, Cambridge, MA Self-employed, married mother of 2, declutter and organize office, playroom
Laura brought in a reputable mover, recommended by our daughter, and did two things that really saved us a lot of money. She recommended that we accept a fixed price when the mover offered it to us, and skillfully intervened when the company’s representative called the day before the moving truck was to arrive, threatening that the truck wouldn’t come if we didn't pay more. Laura went around him, and called the owner of the company to push back. The owner intervened on our behalf and the truck arrived as planned. My wife and I had already left for Florida, so Laura handled all of this on her own, with skill and finesse.
The truck’s arrival in Florida was delayed because of a hurricane. By phone, Laura did all that she could to calm my family’s stress. We still brought too much, but we got out in one piece, in much better shape than we could ever have done on our own. And our children were thankful that they didn’t have to get caught in all of our downsizing decisions.
Laura’s skills go beyond organizing, logistics and move management. Her personality and communication skills really made everything easier. She’s extremely trustworthy and compassionate. She made a very stressful situation manageable for all. We’re still in touch with Laura, and in the coming winter she’ll try to consign my wife’s mink coat. I hope New England gets a lot of snow, so the coat finally sells!
Any family would be lucky to have Laura on their side, and more importantly, to lighten the stress, making downsizing and moving a more enjoyable experience.
Alyn and Nancy Rovin, Carlisle, MA Downsize and move
Well, where do I start? I had gotten used to lots of clutter. The house was clean and orderly, but closets and drawers were stuffed, one room was mostly full of piles; and the dining room was piling up. I knew I needed help. I didn't want to do it alone. It was hard in the beginning, but I felt very comfortable with Laura right away. I thought she would force me to get rid of stuff, but she didn't.
After a few sessions, I realized the importance of her work. She taught me the difference between clutter, stuff, and treasures, and gave me a framework for me to decide what's valuable and what's not. It wasn't so hard after awhile. Laura taught me a life-time gift. And she saved me a lot of time and money. My husband stopped nagging me and I wasn't spending so much, which felt great. We started sharing the money management together.
I let go of old careers, old relationships, old hobbies, and started to see how much great stuff I really do have. I learned how to store stuff so I can find it, and the pleasure of giving stuff away to people who would actually appreciate it. My home may have fewer things in it now, but my life is much richer.
Andrea S., Peabody, MA Excessive shopper, decluttering/organizing papers/bills/home
Laura Moore is a Genie! As a busy working Mum, I was close to drowning and losing a grip on how to cope with everything. She worked brilliantly with me, teaching me how to take care of my schedule and office, and how to contain my feelings of overwhelm and resentment. She's highly creative and intuitive, bringing together many skills to show people how to live well. Her ability to see the emotional stuff under the clutter made a big impact. With her help, I discovered reasons that compel me to want to change and create good habits! It has been four months since we started, and I am still doing it on my own...because I feel a whole lot better!
Jenny S., Burlington, MA Single mom, works full-time
It’s super exciting to increase my awareness, and do the work with ClutterClarity. Thank you, Laura, for helping me change my whole relationship with how I get things done.
Joni Trembley, Quebec, Canada Organizing papers, back taxes, decluttering/organizing apartment
Laura did more than help me clear clutter in my home of 25 years. She brought me back to reality in such a gentle and caring way, knowing exactly what I needed. Not only is the house in much better shape, so am I. I learned a new perspective and how to do things myself. When I look at all that we accomplished, I feel good — I feel REALLY GOOD. Laura, thank you for being wonderful you.
Carole T., Concord, MA Decluttering after loss of loved one
Running into her playroom, Leslie (4 years old) exclaimed, "Ma-ma, Ma-ma!" She put on her tutu and danced, delighting in the spaciousness. So beautiful...and I was so relieved! I thought she was going to be mad at me, missing toys that we let go, but not one peep about that! My husband kept saying, "Wow. I love it!" (This is something coming from a man who does not have a hyperbolic bone in his body!) On his own, Jamie (7 years old) cleared a book shelf to "make room for Christmas" and Leslie has several times referred to "when the fairies came to make my room beautiful." No kidding, lots of happy people over here!
Libby R., Cambridge, MA Works full-time, married mother of two Decluttering/organizing playroom and office
You're masterful how you rearranged my rooms. Everything looks and feels beautiful!
Laura D., Concord, MA
I awoke today for the first time in many months feeling light and able to face the day and my life. THANK YOU for your support and guidance. I can't believe I felt so different after only ONE session.
Kay R., Arlington, MA Self-employed, married mother of two
You are great fun to work with and so incredibly thoughtful about everything. I have learned a lot from you.
Dianne Savastano, Client’s daughter Senior parents, declutter, organize prior to moving
This is all great. The fee is VERY reasonable. Thanks for all your hard work. The movers were just great. Timely. Efficient. Very pleasant. I could not have asked for better.
Linda Grant., Carlisle, MA
I like the visual aids! They really help me practice what you’re teaching me. You’re incredibly insightful. Thanks again for your wisdom, experience, and support.
Elizabeth H., Essex, MA Decluttering/organizing papers and office
We cannot adequately express our gratitude for all that you have done over the years for our mother and family. No money is enough compensation for your peerless professionalism, love, respect and care you have shown toward her. You gave our family two big gifts: your knowledge that it was time to start this transition and your ability to initiate and guide mom - and all of us - each step of the way. In our busy lives, we probably wouldn’t have started this process until some emergency, causing great disruption to our lives. Instead, you brought steady insight and skill to all the decision-making and physical work. Our mom was ready, and now happy in her new home in large part because of you. Your gifts are part of our family’s legacy. We cannot thank you enough.
Letter from client’s children Declutter/organizing/downsize/move, all important life documents done
In just a few days Laura accomplished more in my office than what my staff and I could have done in months. Laura’s unique perspective and thoughtful approach produces unexpected results. Even our clients are commenting on how calm and welcoming our space is now. At first I thought Laura was expensive, but she’s absolutely worth every penny!
Laura Baliestiero, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Carlisle, MA Organize offices
When I called Laura, my overwhelmed client was being threatened with losing the sale of her house and ending up in Court. Laura immediately installed a calm atmosphere into a very enervating situation. With only eight days before closing, she gained my client’s cooperation and trust, got a mover, finished packing the house, and even helped my client find an apartment to move into! Everything fell into place because of Laura’s initiative. Her unusual communication and problem-solving skills in high stress situations goes beyond the logistics of downsizing and moving. Laura offers a truly unique and valuable service to seniors and their family!
Erica Endike, Bay State Elder Law, Sudbury, MA Packing, moving and help find rental to move into
I was overwhelmed by a 2-month closing delay, Christmas move, and running out of time before I had to return to work. Laura immediately sensed my urgency, and calmly took care of us. With only two days notice, her team arrived the day before and after New Year’s weekend! I was shocked Laura could get her team together so fast. Her wonderful, efficient, friendly, professional team unpacked and organized our 4-bedroom house, turning it into a comfortable home in just two days! Such a blessing! Because of Laura, our family was able to enjoy the rest of our holiday stress free. Thank you, and God Bless you.
Lewis Family, Lexington, MA
Peggy had the highest praise for your work. I agree. You have a real gift for helping people crawl out of the world of overwhelm.
Loren Larson, Realtor, Newton, MA Organizing office
Working with Laura is like having the Get Out of Jail Free Card!
Catherine Arnaud, Ottawa, Canada Decluttering/organizing home/garage, and time management
My husband asked me what we talked about--he's always excited to hear about the outcome of our coaching sessions. He listened, asked clarifying questions, and when he understood what I was saying, he whooped (yes, whooped!), laughed, and started to dance with me singing for joy. Wow! You are worth your weight in gold. 😊
Valerie Peterson, Boone, NC Organize medical/important docs, time management, purchasing a new home
You changed a huge part of our lives. I wanted to declutter and organize my papers, which we did. Yet you went deeper, rearranging the foundation of our daily life. Everything got better for my husband and me, especially our communication and clarifying our real goals. Decision-making and scheduling are much easier now. I learned how to consider what a decision costs me in time, energy, money. We reversed an offer on a house! I now have the courage and conviction to say "no," offering an alternative that suits me. I now think things through so I’m not exhausting myself, giving hours away to others, away from my home… resulting in much less resentment, disappointment, confusion. Because of you and your thoughtful process, I have the foundation that makes all the difference. You are a wealth of knowledge. Thank you for all your help and kindness!
Sarah R., Atlanta, GA Family systems and cooperation
I watched your very inspiring YouTube videos. Your attitude and strategies are so helpful and positive. Thank you for helping me see myself as an excessive accumulator who lives in a world of possibilities and not a neurotic pack rat! This gives me hope!
- Anna K., France
Laura’s ClutterClarity gave me the perspective I needed to make my downsizing much easier. My every day living got easier, too! I love her Graphic Lessons – the visual diagrams she uses to teach her process. Coaching me by phone, Laura guided me through my unique personal journey. I worked great on my own, but not alone. Laura's expertise is so admirable!
Kathy Bates., Harvard, MA Downsizing prior to a move
It is super-exciting to work, observe, implement, increase awareness, be intentional, to change my whole relationship with how I get things done. Thank you Laura!
Joni Wellness, Newark, NJ
Laura came into my life at a time of great change. I was retiring, moving, downsizing and letting go of half of my belongings. For years, I was a most unwilling participant. By the time I met Laura, I was receptive, which was easy to be because of her logical approach, sensitivity, and planning.
Laura’s guidance made it possible for me to decide for myself what was truly important to keep, and what I could part with. Her insightful coaching reframed my way of thinking. Instead of feeling like a victim who couldn’t cope, I was a willing, positive person in charge of taking care of my home and life. Her manner is very kind and accepting, encouraging and reassuring. I never felt rushed. The project felt so long, but in truth, we got everything done in my 4 BR house in two months! She helped me see that my move was smart, positive, and freeing - going towards happiness, and not something to be dreaded. This helped my family work better together, too.
Laura has had an incredible effect on my life. The principles I learned from her help me stay motivated and make significant changes in other aspects of my life. Working with Laura was a real growth experience. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
Rachel Wallace, Arlington, MA
Paper Clarity is the only resource I’ve found that answers all the questions about what to do with our personal documents. I sell it through my business and carry a copy with me for easy reference when clients ask questions. We all need this information. In the world of document destruction and recycling, Paper Clarity is hugely valuable.
- Brian Johnson, President, Doc Shredding Corporation, Wrentham, MA
No requests or anxieties here. Just a thank you for our time together. It has allowed my mind to evolve in many ways, not just my relationship to stuff. There is a freedom in letting go of things, as well as outmoded ideas. For instance, over the years I saved various images with a mind to use them when I finally had the time to put them in a visual collage. But when I returned to the organized boxes of stuff that I had planned to use, I discovered that my mind had long since moved on and my imagined plan from long ago was absolutely irrelevant to the me of today. Out the boxes went and my freedom meter rose accordingly. I am not who I was so I'm letting things go. It doesn't even feel like decluttering. And I use my morning action planning as a centering moment. It feels wonderful.
Victoria Russell, Phone coaching client, Stowe, Vermont
When I hired Laura, my main objective was to organize all the papers piled throughout our home, which was causing me a LOT of anxiety and distress.
I had read many books and watched numerous YouTube videos over months, and still hadn’t figured out a filing/paper management system that worked for me. When I saw Laura's YouTube video, her unique philosophy and approach made sense to me. I also liked her saying, “You don’t have to do this alone,” especially since my best efforts weren’t successful.
Hiring Laura was one of the best investments I’ve ever made. God used her to literally change me and my family’s life.
Laura provided excellent guidance with the logistics (how to sort, declutter, file, what papers to keep and where, etc.), yet she quickly discerned that the papers were only a symptom... In short, I was perpetually stressed and tired, overscheduling, overspending, and overeating. Laura’s outstanding insights resolved the core issues that fueled these behaviors.
She is a gifted teacher — non-judgmental, kind, and professional. She taught me time, communication, and financial management skills that I will be able to use for the rest of my life. I now understand the importance of delegating (instead of doing it all), so I have the energy and ability to concentrate on things that only I could do.
Working with Laura was revolutionary! My husband saw such huge benefits from her coaching. We began meeting weekly to discuss important family and financial matters. After one of these meetings, my husband actually bowed to me (something he’s never done before), and thanked me for how well we were making decisions together, and sharing the work.
We are also very happy with how clean our house is now. Guests can come over anytime, which is important because we enjoy entertaining. Using Laura’s checklists and graphic lessons, we are staying motivated and completing important documents to take care of our family.
In summary, I am now doing what’s important, not simply urgent, in a happier, calmer, and more self-confident way. Laura taught me so many life skills and helped me make dramatic changes in a matter of months! I’m thrilled I hired Laura. Her listening skills and experience made it possible for me to successfully meet goals that I haven’t been able to achieve for years. I’m very grateful for Laura’s expertise, what I learned, and that I stopped trying to do it all alone!
Valerie Piland, Phone coaching client, Raleigh, NC
I got a lot out of today's session. Thank you for your support, encouragement, and wisdom. You have helped me in many ways my own mother was NOT able to. So I'd like to wish you a Happy Mother's Day! If you prefer, Happy Mentor's Day!
- Susan Downing, Portsmouth, NH
“No requests or anxieties here. Just emailing to thank you for our time together. I feel such freedom now - not just from my stuff, but my mind evolved… free of many outmoded ideas!”
-Victoria P., Ontario, Canada
“Thank you for all that you do and have done for all of us. I cannot help but think what things would be like if you weren't in the picture: mom still in her big house, financials and papers not organized, estate not done, and me exasperated and unable to deal with it all--in short, a nightmare!”
— Mark Schafer, Client’s son
“Hello Dear Laura, Your outstanding work, your beautiful presence, and your keen ability to be fully committed during such vulnerable and challenging times in a person's life -- the transition from one home to another, the loss of loved ones, the change in physical health and/or mental acuity: all of it is so moving to me. You are a blessing to your clients and their families whose worry and stress are reduced because of your presence. Your work is your calling. We appreciate you so much.”
— Marjorie Salvodon, Client’s daughter-in-law
“This is brilliant - Never came across such a sensible, creative and yet totally realistic and thorough approach! Thank you for sharing!”
- Ava Dea, You Tube Subscriber