Ongoing Support Community - Live with Laura!
Women with ClutterClarity
Being in community has three powerful advantages over Personal Coaching:
1) You can work with Laura sooner (1-on-1 coaching often has a waiting list).
2) You benefit from Laura’s 30-year experience at the most affordable fee (get access, save money).
3) You have women with a common mission who care and share their wisdom (priceless!).
Lucky you, right?!
Does This Sound Like You?
You’re a capable woman, doing reasonably well, but overwhelmed by too much in your home or life. No matter how hard you try, you feel behind. Maybe you need to move or longing for a simpler life — but there’s all the “stuff!”
You’ve got the books, videos, and learned logistical quick tips. (They’re good, but not enough to prevent the emotional stuff that gets in our way.)
Do you feel stuck or don’t have enough time? Has shame crept in yet?
You have a choice: Continue to drag yourself through the “hard” work or learn how to make it easier, even more enjoyable, no matter what you need to do.
Are you ready to dig a little deeper to make things a lot easier?
Great - What a relief it is do this work with clarity and confidence!⭐️💃
“This group is WONDERFUL! I’m making such good progress… so happy to have more space in my home and brain! I tell myself, ‘All you have to do is keep on showing up,’ and now I am!”
Noel Woods, OH
Ongoing Decluttering Support Community - Live with Laura!
Women with ClutterClarity
Wednesdays, 2:00-3:15 pm ET
You can join any week to Lighten Your Life
Reduce Your Stress while Taking Care of Your Stuff
How to keep going without depleting yourself
How to achieve sustainable motivation
How to make decisions with clarity and confidence
How to make time when you’re already busy
Getting it done just got easier, no matter what you need to do!
⭐️ Monday, March 24, 12:00–1:00 pm ET ⭐️
BONUS: Attendees enter RAFFLE for FREE 30-min Personal Coaching Session with Laura!
Not sure? We get it!
Attend FREE intro to:
What To Expect
Each week, Laura presents the key principles and skills of The ClutterClarity Way so you can build a strong foundation for steady progress at home.. Spontaneous ah-ha moments, real-life stories and group sharing add inspiration, insight and laughter. No group is the same; each session is different, yet repetition is intentional to deepen your learning. To get the best ROI, attend each session live, steadily practice, and engage as much as you are comfortable. The weekly sessions help you stay accountable, finish projects, and strengthen your ability to do any or all of the following:
Get and stay motivated
Work more efficiently
Build new habits
Trust your decisions
Replace outdated or mistaken beliefs
Remove barriers to getting it done
Make time for the work
Make space for what truly matters to you
There is no magic, except the delight of being able to do what was once difficult.
“Thanks for everything Laura! I’ve totally changed my outlook, and feeling quite confident now. I was dreading letting go of even one cassette in my huge collection. Now I can find them another home with no remorse. It’s amazing how good I feel. The group is better than I expected!!!!
Barbara Gates, Florida
Decluttering Support Community includes:
1. Content Rich Sessions - 75 minutes of thoughtful, learnable essentials each week with lively presentation and group participation.
2. Private Community Forum - Get unstuck, share progress and photos, ask questions and be inspired in between our weekly live sessions. Group members and Laura any day of the week!
3. Graphic Lessons - Follow step-by-step diagrams to make your projects easier while practicing new ways of thinking habits at home.
4. Zoom Recordings - Attend the group sessions live each week and/or watch the recordings to accelerate and enjoy your progress.
5. Live with Laura - Most online groups are self-guided and the facilitator shows up once a month or for a separate Q & A. With ClutterClarity, you get Laura’s attention and 30 years of experience, live on Zoom every week!
Choose what’s best for you!
4 sessions - $400 ($100/session)
8 sessions - $600 ($75/session)
12 sessions - $780 ($65/session)
16 sessions - $880 ($55/session)
24 sessions - $1080 ($45/session)
48 sessions - $1680 ($35/session)
NEW: Add 1-hour Personal Coaching Session with Laura per 4 weeks you register.
Get more guidance for your unique circumstances!
Special reduced fee for group members only: $135/session!
We recommend at least one Personal Coaching Session during your first month.
⭐️ If you can’t attend a session live, you’ll receive the session’s recording and Graphic Lessons.
⭐️ You can pause sessions for an extended emergency, illness or vacation.
Together, everything is figure-out-able!
Loving the women in our Ongoing Decluttering Support Community!
"Yesterday I was stuck with a lot of resistance to decluttering. Then I remembered, ‘EVERYTHING is figure-out-able. Just pause to think it through.’ I looked at 3 of your handouts (I was forgetting to use them) and followed the steps. WOW! Thanks for your wonderful diagrams and wisdom.”
Mary Short, Florida
Laura Moore, M.Ed., Founder of The ClutterClarity Way, getting ready for the women in the Decluttering Support Community!
"That pain in my gut used to paralyze me. But now… I can feel it, recognize it, and think clearly to decide what action will support the life that I’m living now. What a big fat relief! A deep bow of gratitude to you, Laura, and your inspired principles."
Judy Bugas, CA
Join us to feel good while getting it done.
You’ll be glad you did!
“Laura, you're the first person who has enabled me to begin and keep going! I so appreciate your powerful professional insights and reassuring manner. You’re very funny, too. Such a workable approach. Thank you for putting words to what almost everyone feels! Wow. Perceptive, thoughtful, and empathetic...” - YouTube Subscribers